Art Specs
If you have material to be printed, please read over the following guidelines for submitting artwork electronically:Platform: Macintosh
PC programs and files will not be accepted in their native formats. These include: Microsoft Word or another word processing program, Corel Draw, etc. Please provide PC files as a high resolution PDF, TIFF or JPEG.
We use and accept files from the following programs: Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign)
Adobe Photoshop: For all full colour jobs, files must be flattened (no layers), have no extra channels (CMYK only) and be saved as TIFF or EPS. Images should be 300 dpi or more at 100% size for the best quality print. Artwork must be saved as CMYK. Extend your background for bleed if needed. For spot colour jobs supplied in Photoshop please contact Print One to discuss.
Adobe Illustrator: Files must have typefaces provided or converted to curves. Please make sure you have bleed if needed. You may include photos in your document but please also supply them separately.
InDesign: Files must have typefaces provided as they cannot be converted to curves within the program. DO NOT use the default “Red”, “Green” or “Blue” in your document - RGB colours WILL NOT PRINT properly.
For full colour jobs, all files must be CMYK. This is true for any program in which you may be working. RGB colours cannot be printed and will have to be converted to CMYK in order to print. RGB colours can undergo a change in colour when converted.
For spot colour jobs, Pantone™ or our equivalent stock colours will be used. Please contact Print One to discuss.
If you are a Macintosh user you may supply the typefaces for your file. Make sure you include both the screen font and the printer font. PC typefaces cannot be supplied as Macintosh cannot read them. Please provide PC formatted ads as PDF, TIFF or JPEG.
How to Send:
Artwork may be supplied on CD or by email. In both cases, a proof showing layout is recommended. For full colour jobs, a colour proof is a useful tool for accurate layout and to help match your colour, however, we can not guarantee colour matching to supplied proofs, as conditions change from proofing system to proofing system and press to press. If you are emailing your file you may send the proof by mail or by fax or by dropping it off at the store.
If you have questions regarding these guidelines, please contact us.
By Phone: Toll free - 1.800.727.4196
or Local - 519.323.4858
Email Us -